
AVP Abhayarishtam

by AVP

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450 ML
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AVP Abhayarishtam description

Description:Abhayarista is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine, widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and constipation. It contains self generated alcohol upto 5 – 7 %. The alcohol acts as a medium for the active principles of herbs to dissolve. It is mainly indicated in piles and constipation.

Abhayarishta dosage:
12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food.
If needed, equal quantity of water can be added before consumption.

Dose based on age: (please consult your doctor for the right advice. Do not follow this blindly)

  • For children 1 – 3 years of age: 2 ml once or twice a day.
  • For children 3- 7 years: 5 ml, once or twice a day.
  • For 7 – 12 year old – 10 ml once or two times a day.
  • For 12 – 18 year old – 15 ml once or twice a day
  • For adults – 15 – 30 ml once or twice a day
  • If needed, water can be added in equal quantity of the liquid, just before administration.

Pregnancy and lactation:
Best to avoid during pregnancy.
It can be taken during lactation period, after consulting doctor.

Abhayarista uses:

  • Useful in piles, hemorrhoids, relieves bloating, constipation. Improves digestion
  • Traditionally it is used in the treatment of –
  • Arsha – hemorrhoids
  • Udara Roga – gaseous distension of abdomen, ascites
  • Vibandha – constipation
  • Mutrabandha – difficulty in urination
  • Dropsy.

Doctors also use this for the treatment of
Obesity, weight loss therapies, bloating, GERD.

Abhayarishtam side effects: 

  1. A very high single dosage of more than 50 ml may cause loose motion and stomach disturbances, stomach ache. 
  2. Since it contains Colocynth as an ingredient, which is can cause abortion, it is best to avoid this medicine during pregnancy.

Abhayaristam ingredients: 
Abhaya (Haritaki – Terminalia chebula) – Fruit – 4.8 kg
Draksha (Dry grapes) – dried fruit – 2.4 kg
Vidanga (Embelia ribes) – Fruit – 480 grams
Madhuka (Madhuca indica) – Flower – 480 g
Water for Kashayam – 49.152 liters
Boiled and Kashayam is reduced to 12.288 liters.
Jaggery – 4.8 kg
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) – Fruit / whole plant – 96 g
Trivrit (Operculina turpethum) – Root – 96 g
Dhanyaka (Coriander)- Fruit – 96 g
Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa) – Flower – 96 g
Indravaruni (Citrullus colocynthis)- Root – 96 g
Chavya (Piper retrofractum)Stem – 96 g
Mishreya  (Foeniculum vulgare)- Fruit – 96 g
Shunti (ginger)- Rhizome – 96 g
Danti (Baliospermum montanum) – Root – 96 g
Mocharasa (Salmalia malabarica) Exudate – 96 g

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