
Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Tea

by Brooke Bond

Brand: Brooke Bond ( View list )
Seller: Daily Needs Products
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Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Tea description

Details of Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Tea:

The cool air, the bright green leaves, and the delicate hand of the tea plucker as she goes from bush to bush to pick only the youngest leaves, including the 'tip' and the two slightly older leaves near it. This makes for tea that is rich in flavour, and is not bitter. When the new tea leaves are plucked in spring, we get a flavourful light brew. Few weeks later, when the leaves have grown again, the second plucking gives 'strong' tea that is the signature of Assam. Without doubt, this is the tea that will ultimately become Taj Mahal.

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