
Capro Labs Hairich Oil

by Capro Labs

Brand: Capro Labs ( View list )
Seller: Daily Needs Products
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100 ML
$ 10.95
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Capro Labs Hairich Oil description

Hairich Oil Product Description :

Ayurvedic, Herbal and Natural Hair oil provided by us are of best quality. For hair health care and hair growth our product is best.

The natural ingredients of our hair oil also treats many disorders of hair. Our products by virtue of its efficacy and cost effectiveness, has been well accepted by all its customers.

  • Promotes growth of thicker longer and healthier hair.
  • Prevents and treats hair fall & premature baldness
  • Promotes natural sound sleep, calms down the mind and improves memory.
  • Nourishes hair root and scalp.
  • Improves blood circulation to hair follicles.
  • Helps in regaining natural hair color.

Indications / Usage of Capro Labs Hairich Oil :

  • Baldness ( Khalitya )
  • Grey hair ( Phalitya )
  • Insanity ( Unmada )
  • Dandruff ( Daranaka )
  • Poor Memory ( Medhya ).

Hairich Oil Dosage  For Best Results :

  • Use 10-15 drops of HAIRICH OIL and gently apply the oil on the scalp in a circular motion, using the finger tips.
  • Retain oil on the scalp for atleast 20 minutes.
  • In severe cases, regularly massage with warm oil atleast twice a day.

Note :

  • In winter / cold seasons keep this bottle in warm water in order to desolidify the oil
  • Shake well before use.

Availability for Hairich Oil : 
In a 100 ml container

Capro Labs  Hairich Oil - Cures Dandruff, Poor Memory, Baldness, Grey Hair, Insanity
Capro Labs Hairich Oil - Hair tonic for total hair growth and health Stops hair fall, prevents premature greying, promotes hair growth.

Capro Labs Hairich Oil

Capro Labs Hairich Oil Composition :  
Hairrich oil 100 ml. contains :





Botanical Name Sanskrit Name Qty in mg
Boswellia wahru Kunduru ( Gum resin ) 6 mg
Celastrus paniculata Katumbhi/ Jyothishmathi ( Seed ) 6 mg
Eclipta alba Bringaraja ( Leaves ) 10 mg
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Japakusum ( Flower ) 22 mg
Indigofera tinctoria Neela ( Plant ) 6 mg
Myristica fragrans Jathiphala ( Fruit ) 10 mg
Nigella sativa Krishna Jeera ( Seed ) 6 mg
Ocimum sanctum Tulasi ( Herb ) 10 mg
Phyllanthus niruri Bhoomyamalaki ( Herb ) 6 mg
Picrorrhiza kurroa Katuka ( Root, Stem ) 6 mg
Tectona grandis Saka ( Leaves ) 6 mg
Vernonia cineria Sahadevi ( Herb ) 6 mg
Coconut oil base    

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