
Charak Posex Forte Capsules

by Charak

Brand: Charak ( View list )
Seller: Daily Needs Products
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20 Caps
$ 8.75
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Charak Posex Forte Capsules description

Charak Pharma Posex Forte Capsules Product Description :

Natural haemostyptic that arrests bleeding effectively and safely

Indications for use of Charak Posex Forte Capsules

  • To decrease the severity and duration of menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.
  • Management of postpartum bleeding
  • To check bleeding associated with IUCD insertion or MTP procedures.
  • Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding and premenopuasal bleeding.
  • To prevent or check aggravation of bleeding from haemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  • In General Medicine/Surgery Preoperative prophylaxis in minor surgery
  • Epistaxis
  • Haemoptysis
  • Haematuria
  • Haematemesis
  • Haemorrhoids.

Dosage of Charak Pharma Posex Forte Capsules:

General :  Two capsules three times a day or two capsules every two hours.
Pre-operatively  : 2 Capsules three times a day commencing two days prior to operation/procedures, and continuing for further 3 days after the operation/procedures, till bleeding stops.

Charak Pharma Posex Forte Capsules DO'S AND DON'TS

Posex Forte Capsules Do's

  1. Get medical attention immediately in case of any kind of bleeding
  2. Apply a gentle pressure, to immediately stop the oozing of blood.

Posex Forte Capsules Don'ts

  1. Do not get agitated or panic stricken. Most cases of bleeding can be well controlled by a doctor.
  2. Avoid using unsterile material while stopping the bleeding
  3. Do not introduce any sticks, or any other objects to arrest bleeding.

Charak Pharma Posex Forte Capsules Ayurvedic Medicine - A natural Haemostyptic.

Charak Pharma Posex Forte Capsules

Each coated Poses Fprte tablet contains :

Chandrakala ras – 30 mg
Jaharmohara pishti – 30 mg
Kukkutandtwak bhasma – 30 mg
Loh bhasma – 30 mg
Muktashukti bhasma – 30 mg
Suvarnamakshik bhasma – 30 mg
Yashad bhasma – 30 mg
Purified Alum – 15 mg

Extracts derived from Posex Forte Capsules :

Glycyrrhiza glabra – 300 mg
Symplocos racemosa – 300 mg
Emblica offcinalis – 150 mg
Acacia catechu – 150 mg
Adhatoda vasica – 150 mg
Saraca indica – 75 mg
Holarrhena atidysenterica – 75 mg
Mimosa pudica – 75 mg
Commiphora myrrha – 75 mg
Bombax malabaricum – 75 mg

Posex Forte Capsules Preservatives : Methylparaben & Propylparaben

Approved colours used in empty gelatin capsules.

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