
Dabur Mensta Syrup

by Dabur

Brand: Dabur ( View list )
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200 ml
$ 8.85
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Pack of 2 ( 2 * 200 ml )
$ 15.62
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Dabur Mensta Syrup description

Dabur Mensta Syrup Product Description :

Mensta is the first Non Hormonal Menstrual modulator with anti spasmodic activity. The menstrual modulation activity enables Mensta to be useful in DUB as well as Oligomenorrhoea. Methyl and Propyl Paraben.

MENSTA syrup is a polyherbal, liquid oral formulation having multifaceted pharamacological actions. MENSTA’s anti-inflammatory action, reduces abnormal inflammation of uterine tissue and the anti-spasmodic ingredients help reduce muscle cramps, stomach pain etc.,

The anti-oxidant action of MENSTA helps repair of female reproductive organs while Safed jeera in MENSTA mimics Oestrogen like activity and regularizes menstrual cycles. MENSTA is fortified with Astringents and Styptics, which help controlling abnormal and excessive bleeding.  MENSTA syrup is clinically evaluated for its safety and efficacy in Menstrual irregularities. 

Dabur Mensta Syrup

  • Repairs Female Reproductive Organs
  • Regularizes Menstrual Cycles
  • Controls Abnormal and Excessive Bleeding
  • Cures Menstrual Irregularities

Pharmacology :  Menstrual modulator, Antispasmodic, Anti inflammatory, Uterotonic.

Properties of Dabur Mensta Syrup : 

  • Uterine tonic and Anti-Oxytocic: Ashoka and Vasaka
  • Anti-inflammatory action: Shunthi and Mustaka
  • Phyto estrogenic action: Safed Jeera
  • Antispasmodic action: Kalaunji, Ajwain and Hing
  • Antioxidant action: Triphala
  • Styptic and Astringent action: Dhataki and Amrasthi

Indications of Dabur Mensta Syrup :

  • Relieves Dysmenorrhea
  • Corrects DUB
  • Strong estrogenic like activity
  • Restores Harmony of Womens’Health
  • Recommended in Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome ( PCOS )

Dabur Mensta Syrup Side effects: In general, MENSTA is well tolerated. No adverse reactions were observed in the clinical studies conducted.

Dosage of Dabur Mensta Syrup :  Two Teaspoon full, twice daily for three cycles; not advised during the menstrual phase.

Storage of Dabur Mensta Syrup : Store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

Dabur Ayurvedic Specialities Dabur Mensta Syrup - Non-hormonal Anti - spasmodic Menstrual Modulator

Dabur Mensta Syrup

Each 10ml of Dabur Mensta Syrup contains extracts derived from :

Composition Amount
Ashoka Chhal ( Sara indica )       1000mg
Dhataki pushp ( Woodforndia fruticosa )    280mg
Nisoth ( Operculuna turpethum )  48mg
Kalaunji ( Nigella sativa )  48mg
Ajwain ( Trachyspermum ammi ) 48mg
Shunthi ( Zingiber officinale )  48mg
Amla ( Phyllanthus emblica )  48mg
Bahera ( Terminalia belerica ) 48mg
Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula ) 48mg
Mustak ( Cyperus rotundus ) 48mg
Jeera Safed ( Cuminum cyminum ) 48mg
Vasaka ( Adhatoda vasica )   48mg
Pippali ( Piper longum )  48mg
Ghrit Kumari ( Aloe vera )  24mg
Daruharidra ( Berberis aristata )  24mg
Rakt Chandan ( Santalum album )  24mg
Amarasthi ( Mangifera indica )   24mg
Neelakamal ( Nymphaea stellata )   24mg
Hing ( Ferula asafetida )     10mg
Madhu ( Honey )       200mg
Excipients                                      q.s 

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