
Dr.Reckeweg Bio Combination 15 - Menstruation Troubles

by Dr.Reckeweg

Brand: Dr.Reckeweg ( View list )
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20 g
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Dr.Reckeweg Bio Combination 15 - Menstruation Troubles description

Details of Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination  :

Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination of human body contains 12 biochemic minerals present in every cell whose correct balance is essential for the proper functioning of body tissues. Noted German biochemist Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler propounded that deficiency in any one mineral would lead to a disturbance in the cell life that creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth and thus illness is created.

Biochemics are also known as tissue salts or cell salts and are recommended in low decimal potencies for correcting deficiencies at cell level, They are made of lactose ( milk sugar ) and are chewable

Tonsils: Acute inflammation of the tonsils is common painful condition mostly in children, which should not be neglected because of the serious complications, which sometimes occur like rheumatism and nephritis.

  • Acute tonsillitis may be superficial in which the tonsil is involved as general inflammation of the pharynx or it may be follicular which is very common form where the tonsil become filled with pus and can be seen as small yellowish spots. If the infection spreads into the surrounding tissues, it forms peritonsillar abscess. It is know as quinsy. is a very painful condition, pain sometimes extending to ear. Tonsillitis is abrupt in onset. starts with sore-throat, difficult swallowing associated with malaise, fever, headache and pain in limbs. Acute tonsillitis should be carefully differentiated with other types associate with diphtheria, syphilis or certain infectious diseases like scarlet fever.
  • Chronic tonsillitis may occur in persons who had repeated acute attacks. Tonsils form a part of a ring of lymphoid tissue which is situated in the upper air passages working as fir: line of defense against infection entering either by respiratory or digestive tracts. The second line of defense consists of cervical glands, which drain it. In chronic conditions the inflammation becomes generalized spreading to surrounding organs.

Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC Contains:

Calcarea Phosphorica 3x – Calc phos is referred to as the cell mineral. This salt is essential for the creation of new cells, especially bone cells
Ferrum Phophoricum 3x – Ferrum phos is present in the makeup ( composition ) of hemoglobin. It has the ability to draw oxygen from inhaled air and carry it to the blood
Kalium Muriaticum 3x – Kali mur is a salt indicated for catarrh conditions and glandular swelling.

Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 15 - Menstruation Troubles

Contra Indications of Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC  : 

They are not recommended for anyone who is lactose intolerant.

Ingredients of  Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination  :

Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC  Contains: Calcarea Phosphorica 3x, Ferrum Phophoricum 3x, Kalium Muriaticum 3x, In Equal Proportion.

Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination  :

Adults 4 tablets, Children: 2 tablets of Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC four times daily, or at intervals of 3 hours. Infants 2 tablets three times daily, unless prescribed other wise

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