
Emami navratan I-Cool Talc Blast

by Emami

Brand: Emami ( View list )
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Emami navratan I-Cool Talc Blast description

Himani Navratna Cool Talc Powder Product Description :

The unique blend of mint and camphor with the goodness of essential herbs in Himani Navratna Cool Talc Powder, renders the desired cooling effect, while the cool aroma rejuvenates the senses and keeps one vibrant and fresh throughout the day.

Heat, sweat & body odour are the most common but yet unsolved problems that bring discomfort & frustrate our lives - almost across the year. This is where Himani Navratna Cool Talc Powder steps in as a solution.

Navratna Cool Talc is a brand extension of Navratna Oil, which today enjoys the leadership position as ayurvedic Cool Oil. 

Navratna Cool Talc provides a refreshing break from usual talcs. Navratna Cool Talc counters heat and humidity through its cooling property, beating sweat and undesired body odour and keeps you cool and fresh all day long. 

Navratna Cool Talc is now available in two different variants. Apart from the main variant, there is a new variant launched this summer called “ Navratna Cool Talc – Active Deo ” with refreshing perfume to provide a wider choice set to the consumers.

So get ready to experience the icy cool sensation & long lasting freshness with the world’s smallest A.C - “ Navratna Cool Talc ”.

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